Helene Seymour Desert & Tinder The Galleywood Framed Oil Painting 2009

  • .Description.

  • .Title. Desert, master and Tinder master the Galleywood

  • .Date. 2009

  • .Artist. Helene Seymour

  • .Medium.  oil on Linen

  • .Frame. wooden silver coloured frame

  • .Size. 90.5 x 75 cm

  • .Size of work including frame. 100.5 x 84.5 cm

  • .Condition of painting. Good Condition.

  • .Condition of frame. Good  a few slight scratches.

  • .Colours may differ slightly due to the light when the photo was taken.

  • the work is to large to be shipped. Pick-up available

Born in the United Kingdom in 1942, Helene arrived with her family in Melbourne in 1948. Drawing from early childhood, she studied life drawing and fashion drawing at the Caulfield Institute of Technology during the 1960s.

After marrying and raising four children she returned to full-time painting, and has won many awards and High Commendations which include the Victorian Artist’s Society ‘Artist of the Year’ Award in 1997. Judges have included-Sir William Dargie O.B.E. Alan McCulloch and Geoffrey Smith, then curator of 20th Century Australian Contempory Art, National Gallery of Victoria.

Helene’s work is widely represented in private and public collections throughout Australia and overseas, including Canada, Greece, England, Saudi Arabia, Jersey, India, Ireland and the U.S.A.

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